Sell your NFT on a marketplace
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Last updated
At the moment, buying and selling is not possible on Puddle.
To sell your NFT, we recommend to use (link), a secondary marketplace on Flow.
To sell an NFT on Flow, it first needs to be in your Dapper Wallet. After you create your NFT and listing page on Puddle, go to the listing page ({your choice}), connect your Dapper Wallet and claim the NFT.
Head over to the Flowty Marketplace and connect your Dapper wallet. -> In the pop-up, select Dapper and enter your Dapper Wallet details.
You will be prompted to sign and agree to the Flowty Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. To use the marketplace, you will need to Approve.
If you choose to move forward and approve, your wallet will be connected and you will be taken back to their homepage. From there, navigate to Marketplace
where you also browse avaliable NFTs for sale.
From the drop-down menu on the top right select Profile.
It will take you to your wallet page containing all your NFTs including those minted on Puddle. Simply select the NFT you want to sell, and click the Sell button.
Enter the price (in USD or Flow), agree to the Terms & Conditions, and click List for Sale!
You will be redirected to Dapper Wallet again and asked to confirm the transaction.
If you confirm, you will be redirected back to Flowty where you should meet with a processing and then success page. Close the window and you should see the new listing on your profile page. (Simply refresh if it doesn't show up).
Viola. Now you just have to share the link to your followers and fans so they know how to purchase your NFT!